Progress is not accidental.  A strong economy is the direct result of the research and development work being done on campuses nationwide.  

  • The people who provide necessary resources to the community—teachers, first responders, businesspeople, healthcare professionals—rely on their education.
  • Many well-paying jobs require either a college degree or vocational training. We should encourage students to explore opportunities found at an institution of higher education.
  • An educated workforce is beneficial for employers, as it provides them with the talent necessary to run their businesses successfully.
  • Many jobs take advantage of research and new technologies that are conceived on the campuses of colleges and universities.
  • The research and development happening at colleges and universities keep the local and national economy competitive.

For Additional Resources:

Economic Advancement Stories

Kayla Harper Cooks Up a New Career at LRCC

Community College System of New Hampshire

Mavericks in Space

University of Texas at Arlington

Iwona Zylinska

Oakton Community College

The Future Can’t Wait

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Cory Britton

Weber State University