Progress is not accidental. A strong economy is the direct result of the research and development work being done on campuses nationwide.
- The people who provide necessary resources to the community—teachers, first responders, businesspeople, healthcare professionals—rely on their education.
- Many well-paying jobs require either a college degree or vocational training. We should encourage students to explore opportunities found at an institution of higher education.
- An educated workforce is beneficial for employers, as it provides them with the talent necessary to run their businesses successfully.
- Many jobs take advantage of research and new technologies that are conceived on the campuses of colleges and universities.
- The research and development happening at colleges and universities keep the local and national economy competitive.
For Additional Resources:
- Chronicle of Higher Education, Can A National Marketing Campaign Change the Souring Conversation About College?
- Georgetown University, Center on Education and the Workforce
- National Association of College and University Business Officers, The Value of Higher Education Through a COVID-19 Lens
- Phi Beta Kappa, Arts & Sciences Are Key toolkit
- Postsecondary Value Commission, Equitable Value Explorer data tool
- State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, Public Investment in Higher Education webinar series
- Universities UK, Made at Uni – Creative Sparks